Similar to any other medical test, a psychiatric evaluation aims to assess patients, accurately diagnose their condition, and recommend a treatment plan.
During a general psychiatric assessment, a psychiatrist will interview you. The length of the interview will be determined by the seriousness of your diagnosis and condition, as well as your capacity and willingness to work with the psychiatrist on a treatment plan. Wondering what usually transpires during evaluations? We encourage you to read on!
In addition to promoting mental health in Texas, we at Healing Souls Psychiatry, also aim to raise awareness regarding mental health services so that people may recognize their importance. Although each evaluation is unique to the circumstances of the client, the most common parts of a comprehensive, diagnostic psychiatric evaluation include but are not limited to the following:
- Description of behaviors.
- Description of symptoms.
- Effects of behaviors or symptoms to areas like work or school performance, and relationships with others, to name a few.
- Personal and family history of emotional, behavioral, or developmental disorders.
- Complete medical history, including a description of the person’s overall physical health, a list of any other conditions present, and any current treatments.
If you require experts in Psychiatry in Garland, Texas, we are the ones to call. Here, we ensure that our clients have a safe environment in which to seek support and express their difficulties.
For psychiatric health services that you can rely on at any time, give us a call!
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